Giorno 7 Febbraio 2012 la casa editrice Martus Editore invierà il secondo plico ad Amnesty International contenente le adesioni a sostegno di Theo. Altre due copie saranno inviate al suo legale ed a lui personalmente.
Grazie a tutti coloro che hanno creduto in lui, nella sua innocenza. Grazie a chi, oltre all'indirizzo E-Mail, indispensabile per la causa, hanno espresso il proprio pensiero, i propri sentimenti. Alcuni commenti sono scritti con il cuore e con tutta l'anima, veri e propri frammenti di letteratura. Grazie di nuovo, anche da parte di Theo, sarà mia cura farglieli recapiare direttamente.
February 7, 2012 the day the publisher Martus Publisher will send the second envelope containing the membership to Amnesty International in support of Theo. Two other copies will be sent to his office and to him personally.
Thanks to all those who believed in him, in his innocence. Thanks to those who, in addition to the e-mail, which is essential for the cause, have expressed their thoughts, their feelings. Some comments are written with heart and with all thy soul, real pieces of literature. Thank you again, even by Theo, I will take care let them direct delivery.
Η ημέρα θα είναι 7 Φεβ 2012 έστειλε το δεύτερο φάκελο που περιέχει την ιδιότητα του μέλους με τη Διεθνή Αμνηστία για την υποστήριξη της Θέος. Δύο άλλα αντίγραφα θα αποσταλούν στο γραφείο του και με αυτόν προσωπικά.
Χάρη σε όλους αυτούς που πίστευαν σε αυτόν, στην αθωότητά του. Χάρη σ 'αυτούς που, εκτός από το e-mail, η οποία είναι απαραίτητη για την αιτία, έχουν εκφράσει τις σκέψεις τους, τα συναισθήματά τους. Μερικά σχόλια γραμμένα με καρδιά και με όλη την ψυχή σου, πραγματικά έργα της λογοτεχνίας. Σας ευχαριστώ και πάλι, ακόμη και από Θέος, φροντίδα μου θα τους αφήσουμε να άμεσης παράδοσης.
Theodoros Theodoridis |